Supernatural Episodic Quotes
#5.06 - "I Believe The Children Are Our Future"
This was an ok episode for me the first time I saw it. After viewing it again it’s kinda grown on me. There were some funny moments and comments in this plus it propelled the season’s arc a little further. Really good brotherly moments too. It was nice to see the brothers working together and acting like the good old days. This is by no means to say that their relationship is all fixed. Again not by a long shot, there is still a lot of issues to be dealt with but at the moment it appears Dean and Sam still have “their training wheels on” and dealing with MOTW.
Dean and Sam investigate a strange murder, this time in Nebraska . Again posing as FBI agents Page and Plant (How many times have these names been used!) they question the coroner who asks them “Didn’t you get the new e-mail” to which Sam replies “We have server issues.” Yeah I’d say you have. They find out the young girl clawed herself to death. This shoots the MOTW theory out the window. Ha the power of suggestion!
There’s another murder at the hospital, a man is electrocuted by a harmless joy buzzer which Dean takes from the old man.
Dean’s “Mr. Wizard” as he tests the joy buzzer on a ham and it cooks the ham and of course Dean has to take a chuck of it. Dean stuffing his face again, things must be getting back to some sort of normal. (Again I’m reminded how sorry Jensen was the first time he ate those nuts way back when. How many hams did Jensen have to eat!! two scenes.
Sam tells him about the “Tooth Fairy in a pink leotard and tutu”. Dean ups the anti telling Sam about 2 kids who have ulcers and a fellow whose face froze that way. One of Dean’s funnier faces
(Did anyone think for a moment that Dean’s face might freeze that way, especially when it seems his mouth was stiff from making that face) and Sam thinking together figure out all the lies parents tell their children are coming through. Good exchanges here. Especially liked when talking about these seemed more the pranks of a nine year old (come to think of it just like Dean thinks.)
Dean’s reaction priceless.
The look Sam gives Dean entering the motel room seeing Dean eating yet again. Love Sam’s comments.
Sam: "Dude, seriously, still with the ham."
Dean: "We don't have a fridge!
Sam’s research about the locations of the strange events being in a triangle, Dean asking if their motel was inside that triangle getting the answer as to why he suddenly developed this horrible affliction.
I don’t know about you…but the less said the better…can we say eeewwww!!!!
Typical Dean fashion he tells Jesse the joy buzzer can’t hurt anybody it doesn’t even have batteries. To prove his point he zaps Sam. Sam’s expression priceless. So like the old Sam not impressed with Dean’s antics.
Dean admits they need help and when they return to their motel Castiel is waiting for them. Sam says “Guess you got our message?” Still using cell phones to communicate with Castiel, (they have got to find a better method to do this!)
Castiel informs them the boy is too powerful and must be killed. Great to see Sam defending the boy and telling Castiel we are not going to kill a nine year old and Dean for once letting Sam do all the talking. Nice change in the boys attitudes deciding to tell Jesse the truth so that he will make the right decisions. Sam’s faith in the boy attesting to the great regret he feels because he was duped into making the wrong decisions. Again nice to see Dean 100% behind his brother. Dean is trying really hard to let Sam be his own man. A difficult task for Dean since it’s been his duty he feels to protect Sam.
Sam discovering that Jesse was adopted and they go to visit the birth mother. Ever Carradine is always great in whatever role she is playing. Throwing the salt at Sam & Dean as Dean questions “How do you know about demons.” Her tale of how she got impregnated (she was a virgin), no wonder Castiel calls him the “antichrist or devil spawn child. Immaculate Conception kinda, what’s the name when it’s a demon doing the implanting? Oh yeah demon-spawn. It’s one of the devil's greatest weapons in the war against heaven. (Didn’t see that coming). And Jesse can hide from angels and demons, just like Sam and Dean.
Jesse turning Castiel into a toy because he felt threatened. Dean picking up the toy Castiel and denying he knows him. Anyone know where we can buy these toys???? I want one. Hope the maker comes out with all the Supernatural characters hehe.
Good to see Dean later recant his words to Jesse and ask for Jesse to bring Castiel back. More change in Dean.
Jesse certainly has powerful powers (pun intended). Just telling the demon to shut up he wants to hear what the brothers have to say, then saying “Get Out” the demon is exorcized from Julia. No wonder Castiel thought this kid had to die.
The first half of the episode was hilarious with great Dean and Sam lines and their usual terrific expressions. The last half was very heavy with lots of insight of how just maybe the boys are building their relationship on new ground. No more lying to each other. This is the first time I can recall where they didn’t protect a child from knowing about things that go bump in the night, and there are things out there to be very afraid of. Sam and Dean talking to Jesse on his level, literally said so much of how far they have come.
I understand them wanting to protect Jesse and at the same time have Bobby teach him how to use his powers, because they need all the help they can get in the upcoming battle with Lucifer.
Jesse leaving the comfort of his home to protect his parents seemed to echo Sam and Dean’s lives. They wonder where he went, since they can’t find him if he doesn’t want to be found. Did anyone else think that Jesse went to Australia after looking at the poster on the wall?
And the credits come up. WOW. I forgot how close to the end we were, so when it ended I was left in shock thinking “WHAT?”
Favorite Lines
Dean: "You know, most of my babysitters sucked, especially Miss Jansen. She only cared about two things: Dynasty and bedtime."
Dean:"What's up with toothless? Cavity creeps get a hold of him?"
Dean: "That'll do Pig." (Borrowed from the movie Babe)
Sam: "Hey, do not use my razor."
Sam: "What's that?" "It's called soup. You heat it up and you eat it."
Castiel: "That wasn't me."
Dean: "Who put that there?"
Jesse: "Was he your friend?" "Him? No."
Sam: "See, we're kind of freaks ourselves."
Set decorators….another great motel! American Flag pillow no less!
Sam spent most of this episode frustrated and embarrassed by his so called “older brother”
Nitewoman (Marilyn)
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