Thursday, September 24, 2009

Supernatural Season 5.02 "Good God, Ya'll" Review

Dean: God.
Castiel: Yes.
Dean: God.
Castiel: Yes. He isn’t in heaven. He has to be somewhere.
Dean: Try New Mexico. I hear He’s on a tortilla.
Cas: No, He’s not on any flatbread.

Another episode that required a second viewing to properly give my review of the second episode.

Another terrific episode for me. Right from the start there was a good mix of drama and comedy. It was sad to see bobby looking helpless and this time sitting in a wheelchair. But it is evident that the fighting crusty Bobby is still there, just needs time to adjust after telling Castiel to go to hell because he lost his mojo. Castiel using a cell phone to find Dean and Sam priceless. Still in that trench coat…poor Misha, he must really hate that thing by now.
Castiel telling Dean he is going to find God, Sam’s expression in the background was funny. When Castiel started talking about an amulet (like and EMF for God) I knew what Castiel was going to want to take. Never thought of that before, but nice work on writers part to make Dean’s amulet be something powerful. Dean feeling naked without it put a completely different picture in my head (won’t go into that ).
Next in the town, cherry red mustang…dead giveaway, but like Dean’s whistle really neat muscle car.
Ellen’s entrance really funny. Poor Dean, how many times has he been doused with holy water???? Ellen hugging him and really happy to see then the slap Dean’s face (very hard apparently by Dean’s “OOH” and him looking quite contrite on being chastised for not calling, and sounding like a kid saying “Yes mam” to putting Ellen’s number on speed dial. It really was good to see Rufus, Ellen and Jo again. Really hoping here that we see more of Ellen and Jo. Some strange looks between Dean and Jo and their hellos should be explored.
Sam in the connivance store killing the so called demons. Jared is really stepping up to the plate with is acting, getting so good with expressing how he feels without saying anything. The way he stared at the knife, running his finger over it. (Did anyone else get the feeling that if Dean hadn’t come in when he did Sam would have licked the blood of his finger before even thinking about it.
The episode was great setting up the 1st of the horsemen to appear (War of course would be the first and not at all what anyone would be expecting.
It felt very strange with Dean and Sam figuring out the 1st horseman was there but doing separately on their own. Dean stopping from going out to find Sam hurt. It was great seeing them working together to find War and stop his power over everyone. (Cutting his finger off, very clever)
All in all the good episode.
Now for the last scene: Tore me apart never mind Dean and Sam. Sam listening to Dean when Dean didn’t want to discuss it and saying “listen to me” and Dean finally listening to Sam. Sam realizing that he isn’t alright saying he’s in no condition to hunt and that they should part said more to what has happened to the brothers. Dean agreeing and I think Sam a little surprised that Dean did agree. This whole scene was gut wrenching. I had the strangest feeling come over me as I was watching this the 1st time, and heck it happened when I watched it again. Don’t think I can put into works how I felt, but I think it was the same feelings Dean and Sam were experiencing. I felt so lonely and sad. Dean asking Sam if he wanted to take the impala said volumes about how much he does love Sam but knows he can’t save him this time. This is something Sam is going to have to do on his own.
What a way to end, Sam getting into the truck and be driven away and Dean left alone at the lake. Another of those many scenes where Jensen just hits it out of the park (only now it seems to me he is hitting it out of the Solar system. That last shot of Dean’s face has haunted me all week.
Kudos to everyone involved in this episode.


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